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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Kitty sitting at laptop desk tells another it is ignoring millions of people on internet right now.
Slob in filthy trash covered work cubicle organizes neat folder icons on computer desk-top.
Telecommuting remote worker with pets cat and dog asleep on lap stretches to reach laptop computer in work from home problem.
Before virus lockdown boss uses business jargon in meetings, after work at home quotes Price is Right television game show.
Office workers in pajamas have trouble readjusting to in person dress codes after remote working from home.
Coworkers talking in cat and dog have trouble readjusting return to office after Covid lockdowns.
Telecommuting worker can’t find work space with cats and dog sleeping on sofa and chairs.
Remote worker can’t leave desk with napping cat boss asleep on lap.
Sleeping cat and dog influence telecommuting man on laptop to nap on couch.
Valentines cupid on laptop shoots arrows at online Zoom meeting screen remote love matches.
Remote worker blocked from laptop computer keyboard by stubborn cat laying in the way.
Playful cats stealing toy parts from annoyed Santa’s elves are a work shop from home difficulty.